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Kendrion N.V.
Vesta Building - 5th floor
Herikerbergweg 213
1101 CN Amsterdam
The Netherlands
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Kendrion shareholders welcome Mirjam Baijens and renew Erwin Doll’s appointment as members of the Supervisory Board

Kendrion N.V. confirms that all resolutions that were brought up for vote were adopted by the general meeting of shareholders earlier today.

Mrs. Mirjam Baijens was appointed to the Supervisory Board of Kendrion N.V. for a four-year period. Baijens has played pivotal roles in various Human Resource capacities at leading corporations and currently serves as the Executive Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO) at Grundfos Group, a prominent manufacturer specializing in a diverse range of pumps, electric motors, and electronics for pump controls and other systems. Baijens will succeed Mrs. Marion Mestrom as Chair of the HR Committee. Mestrom served as a Supervisory Board member since 2016.

Mr. Erwin Doll was reappointed as member of the Supervisory Board for a four-year period. 

In addition, Mazars Holding N.V. was appointed by the shareholders as Kendrion’s statutory auditor for a three-year period starting the financial year 2024. 

The shareholders also approved the distribution of a dividend of EUR 0.45 per share, representing a payment of dividend of 50% of the normalized net profit before amortization for 2023. The payment of the dividend will be made in cash, or, at the option of shareholders, in the form of ordinary shares. 

The voting results per agenda item will be published on the Kendrion website on 16 April 2024. 

Amsterdam, 15 April 2024

The Executive Board

For more information, please contact: 
Kendrion N.V. 
Mr. Joep van Beurden 
Chief Executive Officer
Tel: +31 6 82 56 85 65 

About Kendrion N.V. 
Kendrion designs, manufacturers and delivers intelligent actuators that help advance the global push towards electrification and sustainable energy. Today, these compact and connected actuators can be found in wind power, robots, factory automation, electric vehicles, energy distribution and industrial heating processes, where they support our OEM customers around the world to transition to safer and cleaner forms of energy. 

As a technology pioneer and innovator, building on a foundation of over 100 years of experience, we are driven by a desire to explore creative solutions for the engineering challenges of tomorrow. We take broad responsibility for how we source, manufacture, and conduct business. Sustainable business practices are integrated in our processes and embedded in our culture. Rooted in Germany, headquartered in the Netherlands, and listed on the Amsterdam stock exchange, our footprint extends across Europe to the Americas and Asia.