Our ambition
Kendrion aims to contribute to the advancement of selected SDGs and involved careful consideration of all SDGs and an active dialogue with our internal and external stakeholders, including a sustainability survey.
Based on this comprehensive review, we identified several SDGs where we can create the biggest positive impact.
These are included in our 2019-2023 sustainability target framework: SDGs 3 (Good health and wellbeing), 12 (Responsible consumption and production) and 13 (Climate action).

SDG 3 – Good health and well-being
We have strong Health, Safety & Environmental (HSE) policies within our organization and each production plant implemented tailored initiatives to further enhance their HSE standards depending on plant-specific needs, production lines and technologies.
Through our Responsible Product Portfolio (Products that Improve Health, Products that Reduce Climate Impact and Products that Keep you Safe) we contribute to the advancement of healthier lives and improvement of well-being for all.

SDG 12 – Responsible consumption and production
For all our production processes, we are committed to minimizing waste and disposing of waste in an environmentally responsible manner. Kendrion’s environment management systems are in accordance with the global certification ISO 14001.
Through the implementation of a waste management hierarchy in harmonized waste management practices, we are committed to contributing to the advancement of sustainable production patterns.

SDG 13 – Climate action
We have established a roadmap for the reduction of CO2 emission and improvement of energy efficiency for all our operations. Concrete and measurable targets support the plans.
Our largest production plants maintain energy management systems in accordance with ISO 50001.
Through our Responsible Product Portfolio we help reduce the impact of climate change.