Disover the versatile FPGA development board MINT with high-speed solution capabilities
Meet MINT, short for Multi INTerface. The 3T owned dev kit contains an Intel Arria V SoC, a combination of an FPGA and a Dual-core ARM CortexTM-A9 MPCoreTM, which combines the computing power of an FPGA and the flexibility of software on an ARM-based hard processor system (HPS). All interfaces are accessible from the FPGA or the ARM-based HPS.
Originally designed for our internal needs, the FPGA development board MINT can be easily tailored to suit your specific requirements. Whether you need a testing tool for rapid proof of concept or a full-fledged development board, the MINT development tool is here to serve. Let's collaborate to bring your solution to life with MINT!
Benefits at a glance
Flexible FPGA development board
High-speed interfaces, optical/electric
Suitable for use in cleanroom environment (Class 4)
Strong Intel Arria V SOC based platform with a Linux Operating System
MINT is a base platform and can be tailored for specific applications
Easily extendable by means of an industry standard FMC interface
Model-Based Design using MATLAB and Simulink
PC software library available for integration with C/C++, Python and LabVIEW applications

The FPGA development board delivers maxium flexibility
USB3.0 device port
USB2.0 OTG host/device port
Gigabit Ethernet
SFP and QSFP sockets
FPGA Mezzanine Card (FMC) expansion slot

General purpose I/O
These versatile interfaces make it an ideal platform for development and as a data acquisition interface for test systems. At 3T, we possess extensive knowledge and experience in developing and producing customer-specific hardware. The MINT platform has already been employed to create numerous customer-specific products.